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Express JS
Ogabek Mustafoev

Ogabek Mustafoev

🗓️Feb 04, 2023

Express JS

What Is Express JS?     

Express is a node js web application framework that provides broad features for building web and mobile applications. It is used to build a single page, multipage, and hybrid web application.

It's a layer built on the top of the Node js that helps manage servers and routes.

Why Express JS?

1. Express was created to make APIs and web applications with ease,

2. It saves a lot of coding time almost by half and still makes web and mobile applications are efficient.

3. Another reason for using express is that it is written in javascript as javascript is an easy language even if you don't have a previous knowledge of any language. Express lets so many new developers enter the field of web development.

The reason behind creating an express framework for node js is:




Easy to learn


Features of Express JS:

Fast Server-Side Development 

Thefeatures of node js help express saving a lot of time.


Middleware is a request handler that has access to the application's request-response cycle.


It refers to how an application's endpoint's URLs respond to client requests.


It provides templating engines to build dynamic content on the web pages by creating HTML templates on the server.


Express makes it easier as it identifies the exact part where bugs are.

Advantages of Using Express With Node.js

Express is Unopinionated, and we can customize it.

For request handling, we can use Middleware.

A single language is used for frontend and backend development.

Express is fast to link it with databases like MySQL, MongoDB, etc.

​​Express allows dynamic rendering of HTML Pages based on passing arguments to templates.

Limitations of Express JS

Sometimes, there is no structural way to organize things, and the code becomes non-understandable.

There are so many issues with callbacks.

The error messages that will come are challenging to understand.

Companies That Are Using Express JS





Ogabek Mustafoev

Ogabek Mustafoev

Frontend Developer With JavaScript, React JS, Next JS, Redux | Toolkit

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